Feb 2025: User-in-the-loop Evaluation of Multimodal LLMs for Activity Assistance to be presented at
Feb 2025: US Patent
Large language model-based virtual assistant for high-level goal contextualized action recommendationsg is out!
Jan 2025: On Space Folds of ReLU Neural Networks accepted to TMLR!
Jan 2025: Preference Discerning and
LIGER have been featured on
AI at Meta News and
VentureBeat !
Dec 2024: CantorNet: A Sandbox for Testing Geometrical and Topological Complexity Measures accepted to NEURREPS/PMLR!
Dec 2024: Preference Discerning with LLM-Enhanced Generative Retrieval is out!
Dec 2024: Unifying Generative and Dense Retrieval for Sequential Recommendation is out!
Oct 2024: 1 paper accepted at WACV'25 on
User-in-the-loop Evaluation of MLMs
Jun 2024: Gave an invited talk at
Künstliche Intelligenz in und für Wissenschaften Symposium
Jan 2024: 1 journal accepted to
Information Sciences!
July 2023: 1 paper accepted to
April 2023: 1 paper accepted to
July 2022: I have been selected as one of the
Outstanding Reviewers (Top 10%) at
Jun 2022: I have joined
Meta as an AI research Scientist!
Jun 2022: 1 paper accepted to
May 2022: 3 papers accepted to
May 2022: 1 paper accepted to
April 2022: I have been selected as
Highlighted Reviewer at
April 2022: Listen to my interview with the
Austrian Ai Podcast! (
part 2)
Dec 2021: I have joined the
Institute for Machine Learning!
Sep 2021: 1 paper accepted to
NeurIPS 2021!
Sep 2021: 1 new talk on
Contextual Reinforcement Learning is available online!
Sep 2021: 1 new talk on the
Foundations of Data Augmentation is available online!
July 2021: 1
journal paper published!
May 2021: My research proposal has been accepted to
Graphcore Academic Programme!
March 2021: I have been selected to join the inaugural cohort of
Google Cloud Research Innovators (see
the news item)!
March 2021: I received a grant from
Google Cloud Credit Research Program for my research project
Dec 2020: New
blog post is out!
Nov 2020: Giving a public lecture at
CP Lecture series, at the Johannes Kepler University.
Nov 2020: Received a grant from
Google Cloud Credit Research Program for my research project
Sep 2020: Giving an invited talk at the
Cyber-Physical Systems Group, TU Wien.
Nov 2019: Giving an invited talk at the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group of the Computer Science Department of the Technische Universitaet Darmstadt.
Oct 2019: Awarded the travel grant for the DL/RL summer school in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada by Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute).
Jun 2019: Successfully defended (Passed with Distinction) my PhD dissertation entitled "Representation Learning and Inference from Signals and Sequences".
July 2019: Attending the CIFAR's
DL/RL Summer School in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Jun 2019: 1 paper accepted to
CVPR 2019!